Monday, June 16, 2014

Today is the day, Natalie from 11C

God's details are so perfect. Be Still and Listen. Today is the day when I tell our story the one Jesus so tenderly wrote for me. I have been urged many times over the years since Emily's death to tell or write her story to the world. It was a struggle not because i did not want to share it but because i do not want the glory for it. Scared to start,and while reading "Draw the Cicle" I started circling Emilys story in prayer but on Oct 2, 2013 i decided to pray a "Hoodie Prayer." I quietly prayed while walking up a busy Chicago Street "God what are you wanting me to do with Emily's story am i supposed to write it? I am willing, I am ready just let me know. I need to know this is not my wants, but Yours." I remeber thinking after the prayer as a looked at all the faces on the busy sidewalk. I don't even know people in the writing circle, or wouldnt even know where to start. I wondered how i would even start if God sent me a sign, but knew He'd figure it out. I went on about the day and night and didnt think much else about it. I was in Chicago on business and it was an ordinary trip filled with meetings and dinner. The next day appeared normal, breakfast with an old friend and then off to the airport. I was flying with a co-worker and she and i were late to the airport. We scurried through the airport to make it to the flight. Our first leg was uneventful to Kansas City but was our leg to Dallas when things got crazy. We were flying Southwest so there were no assigned seats. We were in the front so fully expected we would have a taker of our Aisle seat early in the boarding process, but no. Our seat was not taken in 11C until the last passenger got on board and Natalie sat next to me. I know you are wondering why i am telling you all of this so here you go. I believe it is important that we know how much our Heavenly Father orchestrates the things in our life, even the little ones and it is only until we take a step back to see the forrest for the trees that we see his tender hand in it. You see, Natalie, is a professor and it turns out she teaches writing and how to get started. This was my sign. The prayer i had prayed just two days before when i closed my talk with God i said, to him. "Write Emily's Story?, i Do not even know any one in this business. I am not a writer? i don't even write my emails in complete sentences. Just like that i was sitting next to a lady who teaches you authors how to get started. She encouraged me just to start. "Even if you just do it for 15 minutes a day." So, today is the day.

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